Sunday, 5 March 2017

My MOM LIFE : 5 Energy Booster for Moms

hello my lovelies..How are you all doing ??? I know I have been gone forever. Alot of changed in my life and all for good. I will keep upating you on this. Motherhood is quite a thing and keeps us busy 24/7. hello beautiful moms out there. We are tired. Drained out of all energy. Want to take just sleep. But we have a storm on board. Our baby/babies. Who are always hyper active and full of all energy.
Its always challenging to meet the demands of a baby with so less energy.

So here are my 5 Tips to instantly uplift your energy and make you a super mom

  1. PLAY SOME MUSIC : This always works for me. When I have a zillion of work and a hyper energetic toddler, I switch on some peppy number and go with the flow.
  2. TAKE A PROPER BREAKFAST : Dietitian say never to skip breakfast for a reason. Starting your day with a proper food intake, keeps you energetic.
  3. STAY HYDRATED : Water, the mother of all. Most people get tired because of dehydration. So drink plenty of water all through the day.
  4. TAKE A STROLL WITH YOUR LITTLE ONE : Outdoors always uplifts our moods. A stroll in the neighbourhood acts as a fun booster for Mommy and Baby
  5. LAUGH OUT LOUD : Last but not the least, laugh and enjoy each moment of your life with your baby. Cause these moments will be treasured memories. So enjoy motherhood as soon our babies will grow up and then we will miss these moments.
Well ladies, these are my tips which I use to recharge myself when I am tired and have a lot to do.
Do comment below and share your tips.
See you guys soon with a new post, till the stay happy cause you totally worth it !!